a feature documentary coming in the Spring of 2025


  • The history of the Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) community where adolescents discovered their true selves and were empowered to incite positive change in the world.

  • Forty years after the program's inception, those former participants reflect on how being a part of the program shaped them and still informs their lives.

  • YRUU, established in 1983, grew out of the Unitarian Universalists’ rich tradition of religious youth education. It was disbanded in 2008.

  • Music from: Charise Sowells, Firefly, Dr. Pants, and Lea Morris

    among others

  • Stories from: Sam Ames, Rev. Jason Lydon, Anna Sale, Carl Cade, Richard Dawkins, Ginger Fisher Young, Dr. Rev. Kristen Harper, Rev. Christina Branum-Martin, Julie Rising Byron, Rev. Bill Sinkford, Brian Schorr, Aileen O'Connor McConnell Dashurova, Rev, Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd, Jen Devine, Rev. Wayne Arnason, Willam Williamson, Bart Frost, Rev. Hank Pierce,
    and Rebecca Scott

    among others

  • Current youth from the Youth Empowerment Spirituality conference on Star Island and youth participants from the Continuum Conference.